Please email Stephen and He will send you three PDF files containing numerous other
Sundial mottos.
A short selection is given below which could be used in the Latin or English form. Subject to text limits for each sundial design on this site.
Soles occidere et redire possunt (suns may set and rise again)
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero (seize the day and trust not tomorrow)
Primi sub lumine solis et ortus (at the earliest rising of the sun)
Corpore luce carentum (the light of life has gone)
Tempus breve est (time is short)
Et lux lucet in seducto actiones sunt (a light shining in retirement)
Ratio quasi lux lumenque vitae (that light which enlightens life)
Tempus fugit (time flies)
Carpe diem (seize the day)
In luce atque in oculis civium (in the light of the public gaze)
Tempus breve est (time is short)
Sic vita fugit (thus life flies)
Sic vita transit (thus life passes)
Sic vita dum fugit stare videtur (thus life, whilst it flies, seems to stand still)
Tempus breve est (time is short)
Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux (our short day comes to an end)
Lux vitae meae (light of my life)
Lux mea (my light)
Tempus volat, hora fugit (time is on the wing, the hour flies)
Sic labitur aetas (thus passes a lifetime)
Tempus edax rerum (time devours all things)
Sol omnibus lucet (the sun shines for all)
Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum (while we have time, let us do good)
Lente hora, celeriter anni (the hour passes slowly, the years pass quickly)
Tempus vincit omnia (time conquers all)
Festina lente (make haste slowly)
Vitis similis umbra (life is like a shadow)
Vidi nihil permanere sub sole (I have seen that nothing under the sun endures)
Vita fugit, sicut umbra (life passes like the shadow)
Umbra sicut hominis vita (the life of man is like a shadow)
Ultima latet ut observentur omnes (the final hour is unknown, so watch them all)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Stephen Holehan Sundials Updated March 2024